This week saw the newest members of the BLOODHOUND Engineering Team, Hywel Vaughan and Sarah Covell (pictured right with a new friend), baptised in the fast pace environment of the BLOODHOUND SSC project. Dispatched to the Rainton Meadows Arena not far from Sunderland and Newcastle, they presented to thousands of school children at the North East Youth Engineering Show.
Along with Dave Rowley of the BLOODHOUND Educational Team, they joined the likes of Nissan, IBM, BAE Systems, Subsea Northeast and Honda, gaining plenty of 'oohs' and 'ahhs' at the showing of various material.
Following each show, the crew were unindated with questions and queries about the capabilities of the car, often accompanied by wide eyes and dropped jaws at the answers.
In addition to the nine shows they performed over three days, the team did an extra VIP performance of the Youth Engineering Show with an audience including the mayors of both Newcastle and Sunderland.
Hywel also recorded plenty of video diary entries throughout the week detailing the ups and downs of the event.
The show received a great reception by children and teachers alike, with many schools asking to have their photographs taken and signing up to the education programme.
These photographs show just some of the schools that have now become involved with the BLOODHOUND SSC. If your school would like to get involved, then you can sign up here, or you have any questions about the educational aspects of the project, you can ask us here.
Castle Green School
Central Newcastle High School
Lanchester EP Primary School
Gillas Lane School
Newcastle School
Sacred Heart School
St Cuthberts School
Seaton First School
St Johns School