When: 28 November 2013 18:00 to 20:00
Where: Walker Lecture Theatre, Harrison Hughes Building, University of Liverpool, Liverpool, L69 3GH
Speaker Details
Dr John Lanham, Associate Dean, Faculty of Environment & Technology, UWE
John has been in demand by the media since UWE started to run the Higher Education Engagement programme for BLOODHOUND SSC.
Come along and learn about the challenges of designing and building a car to raise the world land speed record to 1,000 mph. Bloodhound though is not just about the car – its real “drive” is education.
The lecture will describe some of the technology but also the innovative education approaches that are being used to engage schools, colleges or university students – so you can be a part of this project.
Members and Non-Members welcome. Registration is preferred, for catering purposes (prior to the lecture).
To register or more information please contact: Chetan Lakhanpal, [email protected] or Nikki Barker on 07767 477171
For more information, click here or download the flyer.