Dave Rowley, Bloodhound Education Director (pictured right), had another busy day on Wednesday April 28th 2010, making The BLOODHOUND Project the icing on the cake at the South Thames College Technology Open Day.
It was a busy day open to the college learners, local school and members of the public. Dave played to a packed house (well, classroom) and enthusiastically delivered the same presentation 4 times to different groups !! The learners were suitably enthused and will now be following the project’s progress with interest.
After leaving South Thames College in Merton, Dave headed off to Eaton College to present the Bloodhound story to their Design Society. The lecture was attended by many of the college students, staff and local engineering enthusiasts, including 1K Club members. The College’s design facilities were in constant use during the evening with many boys frantically completing their GCSE projects and getting them ready for marking.