My Background
I graduated from Bath in ’92 with a degree in Aeronautical Engineering, and since then I’ve been lucky enough to work on a wide range of projects, from designing the rotor control actuators for the AB139 helicopter, to a sewage works in Totnes, though this perhaps was pushing the limits for what could be termed fluid dynamics!.
However, for the main I’ve been involved with aerospace projects including a couple of years out in Seattle for Boeing with their Propulsion Systems Division, and quite a portion based at Rolls Royce in Bristol. Most recently I’ve spent nearly 4 years as part of the design team on the STOVL system for the F-35 Lightning II, the Joint Strike Fighter.
BLOODHOUND...and other 'projects'
I’ve been involved with Richard on a couple of previous ventures, and I can safely say that they’ve never been dull. So when I had a call about whether I’d be interested in being involved in a car based project, it didn’t take long to say yes.
This is my first foray into the world of motorsport, apart from my own attempts at driving a rally car – I managed to convince Katia (after a little wine or two) that for our honeymoon it would be a great idea to enter a Lancia Stratos’ replica into the London-Athens World Cup rally, which was, how shall I put it, character forming – just don’t mention Albania.
I live in a fantastic, slightly ramshackle, old farm cottage with Katia and our three children Thomas, Sophie and Peter, surrounded by what Katia variously describes as “projects” or scrap. An old car I started to restore has spawned into several more, so suddenly I find myself with a garage and yard full, and seem to be project rich but time poor. A toddler, a two year old and a leaky, drafty house don’t seem to be lending themselves to evenings with a welder, so best keep an eye on eBay.