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F1 in Schools

Andy Greens Diary – August 2011

Wednesday, 14 September, 2011

 written by Ron Ayers (as Andy is away supporting RAF air operations abroad).


July was another fantastically busy month for the Team and it kicked off with The Goodwood Festival of Speed. This was our third appearance at this unique and massively popular event. We had on display, for the first time, our full rocket propulsion system consisting of a gleaming oxidizer tank, fuel pump, Cosworth CA2010 F1 engine and, of course, Daniel Jubb's mighty hybrid rocket.

F1 in Schools

Thursday, 5 May, 2011 - 09:07

As a Design & Technology teacher with 23 years of classroom experience, I fear we are losing sight of THE ELEMENT in our young students. This is what Sir Ken Robinson refers to (in his book THE ELEMENT; HOW FINDING YOUR PASSION CHANGES EVERYTHING) as the place where the things we love to do, and the things we are good at come together.

Far too often I have seen the creative instinct in many students squeezed out firstly by other subjects deemed ‘more important, and secondly by the demands of a restrictive curriculum simply aimed at a rote-learned examination.